FAQ’sWe’ve tried to answer a few of your questions on how the programme works.
Will I be able to do this programme?
Before commencing any exercise programme, you should visit your doctor and get clearance to exercise, especially if you have any risk factors, such as these:
- Family History: Any heart related disease before the age of 55 in father or other male first-degree relative, or 65 years of age in mother or other female first-degree relative.
- Cigarette smoking
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- High Blood Glucose levels
- Obesity i.e. Body Mass Index (BMI) > 30kg/m2
- Sedentary Lifestyle
Please note that the programme prescribed is designed for healthy and non-injured individuals. If you have any injuries, consult a fitness specialist to advise which exercises may aggravate your injury and to receive alternative exercises.
It’s also advisable to take this programme to your gym and ask an instructor to check your technique and make sure you are conducting the exercises correctly.
How hard are the workouts?
The fitness programme has been designed for a woman of average or moderate fitness who wants to ramp up her results fast. But you can tailor it by going at your own pace.
Only move on to the next block once you feel you’ve mastered the block you’re in – in other words, you can do all the sets and reps of each exercise comfortably. It’s completely fine if you repeat a week several times before moving on.
Can I do the exercise programme at home?
Yes! The exercises have been designed so they use minimal space and very little equipment. You will need to get some basic tools: a set of light dumbbells, a set of heavy dumbbells and a resistance band.
All the other exercises use only your body weight or household items like chairs and paper plates.
How important is the warm-up?
Very important. Skipping your warm-up increases your chance of injury. Be sure to do the warm-up before every workout session.
Must I stretch after working out?
Yes. Stretching helps your muscles grow and recover, reduces injury and reduces soreness post exercise.
How do I stretch?
Always stretch warm muscles, so if you’re stretching after your workout, your muscles will be nice and warm. If you feel the need to stretch before your workout, be sure to warm up first.
After your workout, stretch the muscles you used. Because most of these workouts work your full body, that will include your arrms, legs, back and chest.
Stretching should be slow and controlled with no bouncing. Hold each stretch at a point of mild tension for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat each stretch twice.
Do not excessively extend, flex, twist or lock any joints. Do not stretch through pain – release the stretch if you feel a sharp, sudden pain.
Is the eating plan expensive?
The eating plan has been designed to be affordable on a budget. Because it works with macros and kilojoule counts, you can adjust your eating using the same kind of food you’d normally have in your kitchen.
You will find yourself eating a lot more fresh produce – salads , vegetables and fruit – but these are regular greens. No need to visit fancy health stores or buy ingredients you’ve never heard of – everything you need is at your local supermarket.
Can I follow the meal plan if I eat Halaal or Kosher?
Yes you can. The meal plan has been designed around macros and kilojoule counts, so it’s simple to make food choices and swaps that fit into your eating requirements.
Simply refer to the food exchange lists and choose a different food with equal value.
Can I follow the meal plan if I have food intolerances?
Yes you can. The eating plan has been designed around macros and kilojoule counts, so it’s simple to make food choices and swaps that fit into your eating requirements. Simply refer to the food exchange lists and choose a different food with equal value.
If you’ve been newly diagnosed with a food intolerance, we suggest you contact a registered dietician to help you make smart, healthy choices. Please mail 12weekstosleek@media24.com and we will put you in touch with dietician Carey Anne Seady, who designed this eating plan, to arrange a consultation.
Can I follow the meal plan if I’m vegetarian or vegan?
Yes you can, although we recommend you contact a registered dietician to help you make smart, healthy choices. Then, simply refer to the food exchange lists and choose a different food with equal value. The eating plan has been designed around macros and kilojoule counts, so you can make food choices and swaps that fit into your eating requirements.
But it’s important to make sure that you get the necessary amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat to fuel your body for the workouts, while keeping your kilojoule intake low.
Please mail 12weekstosleek@media24.com and we will put you in touch with dietician Carey Anne Seady, who designed this eating plan, to arrange a consultation.
Is the R499 payment once-off or monthly?
The R499 is a once-off payment that includes your full exercise and meal plan for the whole 12 weeks.